Onelink Systems' new distributorship system gives users new levels of control over their assets and who can manage them by introducing the Distributor and Customer roles.
As a distributor you will be able to leverage every existing tool the Onelink website offers to stay on top of the customers you manage. This allows you to act on behalf of a customer while giving them visibility and control when they need it.
As a customer with one or more distributors, you can delegate any or all of the work you are currently doing on the Onelink website to your distributors. Your distributors will be able to do all the administrative tasks you are currently doing including adding new devices, monitoring alerts, generating reports, and remotely managing the assets themselves without having to give up any visibility or control. Tools are given for you to manage your distributors and what assets they have access to.
To begin utilizing the distributorship system please contact the Onelink Systems support team, they will assist in properly updating your account permissions as well as navigating the customer acquisition process. After successfully working with the Onelink Systems support team you will now have customers that you distribute as well as access to any assets that the customer has selected.
Once set up and logged in to the home page you will notice a new customer selection drop down menu.
This is the first of many new additions to existing tools you will be able to leverage as a distributor. This drop down menu allows you to select one or all of the customers you manage, including your own, and it will limit the scope of the dashboard to what you selected. This lets you focus on just one of your customers, limiting the counts, map, and eventlog to only their assets. Essentially viewing the dashboard as if you were them. A similar customer select drop down filter exists on the unit list page, allowing you to limit the list to a specific customer.
The add device also now has a customer select drop down list, allowing you to add new devices for your customers. Adding a new device for a customer will automatically grant you access to it.
In addition to new features on existing tools, you will now have access to a suite of distributor specific management tools under the “Distributorship” heading.
This page will give you a brief uneditable overview of your distributorship status and a few distributor level controls.
The customer relationship page is where you can view a list of all the customers you are a distributor of. Each customer record will indicate the current relationship status (active or inactive) as well as the customers join date and two buttons to view/manage the customers’ information.
The Edit Customer Relationship Page gives you a convenient place to keep track of your contact at the company as well as any notes you need to keep regarding the relationship.
This page also gives you the option to delete the relationship with the customer. Deleting the relationship will remove your access to any assets you were previously managing. This does not delete any assets or affect your customers’ ability to view or manage them in any way.
That covers any new tools you need to know to interact with the distributorship system. The power of this new system is the ability to use all the same Onelink Systems tools you have already incorporated into your workflow with a broader more powerful scope.
A Onelink systems team member will facilitate the process of establishing your customer relationship with the distributor. This process will likely be started by your distributor with contact being established solely to verify the request. Once complete you will be a customer with a distributor.
As a customer with a distributor, the website will remain mostly unchanged with the exception of one new tool that is your portal to managing your distributor's permissions. Even when assets are added for you by a distributor you keep full ownership and control over its access. The new asset access management tool can be found in the side nav here.
The Asset Access Management Page is where you control what distributor can see what assets. There are two key phrases to understand how this system works.
Full Access - Full access allows a distributor to see and manage every asset you own, both now and in perpetuity. This is a hands off management system that is functionally the same as having the distributor be a user on your company's account while allowing you to retain full control and the ability to revoke this privilege at any time. If you only have one distributor and they manage all of your assets, then this is likely the system to use.
Explicit Access - This management system gives you full granular control over your assets. Permissions can be set on both the distributor and asset level. This system thrives when you have multiple distributors, allowing setups like different distributors managing different geographical areas and even sharing management in others. While this system is robust it can require more management.
While the frequency of use may vary depending on the management you have selected, the workflow of this page will remain the same.
More information on how to use this page can be found in the help menu by clicking the question mark button at the top.
Reminder: When a distributor adds an asset to the website for you, they will be able to manage the asset until you change it.
As a customer under a distributor, the asset access management tool is the only new tool you need to be familiar with. You can contact the Onelink Systems team at any time to help with distributor relationship concerns.